Old Friends: Dave, Catie, & Andy
So what can I really say...at the very least, it's been an interesting year. But before I start delving into that, let's recap on more recent events which I'm very happy about.The theme of the past few weeks has been about reconnecting with old friends. Today, I got a random call from Dave Tohill while he was at the airport in Hawaii -- I hadn't spoken with him in almost a year, and it was great to catch up with him, to hear about his new business venture, his new life in Hawaii, his property there, and his married life with Amanda. It was nice to be able to communicate with an old friend/roommate, with whom I can now relate to as fellow entrepreneurs, and all the work/psychology that goes with that...of the seven people at 139 College, he is one of the closest friends I have to this day, right by Jake Sherman -- both of whom I lived with again at 215 College the following year.
Then, yesterday/last night, I met up with Catie D'Ignazio, my ex from almost exactly a decade ago, and although we'd e-mailed from time to time, we actually saw each other for the first time in about eight years. It was pretty funny since, the last time I saw her, eight years ago, she was in her senior year at Tufts, and she was living in the same apartment, same room, at 139 College, the very same room I lived in when we were dating. Irregardless, she was coming in town to see some art and to meet with people who will be showing her work. It was great to see her, catch up, talk about where our respective lives have taken us. It's funny to reminisce that, when we'd met, she was contemplating and going through the sorority rush, and during our relationship is when she really seemed to begin fostering her interest in creating art instead. It's also nice to reconnect with an old flame because you can still see hints of that original spark (and yes, reminiscing those naughtier memories as well...on a slightly different note, also remembering the reasons why it didn't work out...I'm sure the sentiment is mutual). She looks great, seems to be doing well, and it was just nice in general to catch up. I really prefer to stay in touch with someone who was a significant part of my life, who has seen me in ways most others haven't, and am glad I am still in touch with her.

Catie & me: Summer, 1994
Then the night before, I went to a Yanks/A's game (Jeter's first hit of the season!) with my best friend from high school, Andrew Farnsworth. He was someone I'd lost touch with for a while as well, but I'm psyched we're getting to hang out quite a bit again these days. I guess it may have been a week or two ago when we actually really caught up with each other, over some really badly cooked food at Sunflower Diner down the street from me, then meeting up with his g.f. Patricia and her sister over light supper at Dos Caminos -- we ended up staying out until about 1AM, which I wasn't expecting given that we were just going to meet up for coffee at 5PM. We covered every topic from politics to real estate to online dating (S: "I'm not having sex for six months!"). I truly admire that, as much as I thought it was kind of a silly pursuit in high school, a pursuit worthy of constant mockery, Andy has followed his passion through those years, and is now on his way to get his doctorate. He is probably the most well-traveled person I know, and definitely the only person I know personally that has set foot on Antarctica.
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